About Me

  • 3 years of being a Cell Biology Research Scientist

  • 7 years of Coding

  • 10 years of Product Design

  • 10 years of Hiphop Dancing

  • Endless love for technology

  • Lifelong curiosity

I have worn many “hats” during my career which have given me a broad perspective on the product development. Curiosity has played a big role in my life and one thing has led to another. I still love to ask the question “but WHY?”

My Design Philosophy

  • Be brave to remove features when they are no longer relevant. The more features, the more friction and less usability. Never aim to fulfill every user’s request. But serve the most relevant users to your business well!

  • Don’t design something that no one can implement. Concept prototypes can give directions, but I've seen too many concepts that have never seen daylight.

  • Understand the technical restrictions of what we can have today so you can deliver the best thing in the given time scope.

  • Work in iterations. Be open to criticism at the very early stage of your design and don’t design too much up-front. It will change anyway.